Master Thesis  V1.0
Research and Design of Sensor Node for NMSD Treatment
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 adc.cRead battery voltage
 adc.hRead battery voltage
 ble.cSend data via BLE wirelessly
 ble.hSend data via BLE wirelessly
 uart.cUART communication with BLE
 uart.hUART communication with BLE
 I2C.cI2C function to read-write the I2C bus, based on DRAMCO code
 I2C.hI2C function to read-write the I2C bus, based on DRAMCO code
 dbprint.cHomebrew println/printf replacement "DeBugPrint"
 dbprint.hHomebrew println/printf replacement "DeBugPrint"
 dbprint_documentation.hThis file contains useful documentation closely related to dbprint
 debug_dbprint.hEnable or disable printing to UART with dbprint
 delay.cDelay functionality
 delay.hDelay functionality
 rtcdrv_config.hRTC timer config file
 timer.cMillis and micros functionality
 timer.hMillis and micros functionality
 ICM20948.cAdvanced funcions to control and read data from the ICM-20948
 ICM20948.hAdvanced funcions to control and read data from the ICM-20948
 pinout.hFile to keep track of most the pins used, pins for BLE are in own file BLE.h
 util.cHandy functions
 util.hHandy functions
 interrupt.cCode to detect and generate interrupts
 interrupt.hCode to detect and generate interrupts
 MadgwickAHRS.cSensor fusion
 MadgwickAHRS.hSensor fusion
 main.cCode used in master thesis, MAIN FILE